Gaiscioch Select Chapter


Ashes of Creation
Diablo IV
Helldivers II
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen
Royal Quest
ArcheAge Chronicles
Dune Awakening
The First Descendant
- Full List -
Chapter 8:
Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
Chapter 6:
World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
Chapter 5:
Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Chapter 4:
Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
Chapter 2:
Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


137 Tuatha Guilds:
9,035 Members:
14,196 Characters:
11,709 Items:

Gaiscioch Roles & Ranks - Leveling Up in the Gaiscioch Community

As a member of the Gaiscioch Family you will accumulate Family Honor Points from attending or hosting family events, crafting items, logging discoveries, participating in miscellaneous adventures or writing stories and guides. As a member matures within the family, they will earn new Family Titles and unlock new abilities.

Understanding Family Titles

Each member in the family will have a family title. This is a product of one's Family Rank, Devotion Rank, and Warlord Rank. This combination gives each person a nearly unique title in the family that can grow with them as they progress through Gaiscioch life. Our goal was to create a system that makes titles more personal based on your accomplishments. So that someone could look at your title and know what you've done and how long you've been a member.

Ban Ridire de na Capall Oráiste
(Gender) (Family Rank) of the (Devotion Rank) (Warlord Rank)

Family Ranks & Roles

The family ranks are broken into 6 roles: Guests, New Members, Members, Veterans Members, Warlords, and Legends. Each group has a different focus and helps a member grow into our family. As members choose to advance they will gain more abilities, responsibilities, and obligations. There are several credos that one must approve to advance between these groups. With each credo, members are expected to represent the family at a higher standard. Members may opt to stay at an existing rank to take a less active role in the family all the while earning contribution and family honor as well as unlocking new badges, abilities, and rewards.

One thing to take into consideration is that the Gaiscioch Family is not like typical guilds where the higher you go the more power and privilege you have. Our ranks are more of achievements marking your accomplishments within the family. Members are encouraged to find a role within our family that is right for them.

Being a higher ranking member does not mean that you get the ability to tell others what to do, in the contrary it means that you will be responsible for putting others before yourself, not only in our family but out of it as well. The key to one's overall enjoyment in the family is to find out what level of commitment their comfortable with and find the role that fits them best.


Guests are un-registered members who have decided to try the family out. They have limited access to the family and can not use any of the features on the website. Once a Guest decided's that Gaiscioch is for them they can register at any time by viewing the in game MOTD for the secret word. Guests are welcome to stay as long as they like and registration is not required. It is however required for promotions.

Rank Days Active
Days Active
Family Honor Points
Family Honor
Family Honor Points
Family Honor Points
Vault Contribution
Tokens of Valor
Tokens of Valor
- - - - - -

New Members

When new members join the family they first get a chance to know us, learn our ways, and see what were like from the inside. In this stage of their membership, they are welcome to come and go as they please. This stage of a members time with our family lasts at least a week and requires our honored guest to register to and claim 1,000 Family Honor Points.

The objective of this group is to teach members how we operate, insure they have visited and registered with the website, know how to claim participation, and have a grasp on what to expect.

# Rank Days Active
Days Active
Family Honor Points
Family Honor
Family Honor Points
Family Honor Points
Vault Contribution
Tokens of Valor
Tokens of Valor
1. Fine
- - - - - -
2. Muintir
3 500 - - - -


By the time a player becomes a member they have a firm understanding on how we operate. The Member stage is the beginning of their career with our family. From here they will be able to invite new people to our family, can begin to request items through the marketplace, and have unlocked access to the Leadership Training system. As members grow within our family they learn more about our ways, why we do what we do, and start becoming active participants or leaders within our family. The Member stage of a Gaiscioch career lasts at least 1 month and is focused more on participating in events than it is on leading events.

# Rank Days Active
Days Active
Family Honor Points
Family Honor
Family Honor Points
Family Honor Points
Vault Contribution
Tokens of Valor
Tokens of Valor
3. Lorgaire
7 1,000 - - - -
4. Saighdiuir
30 2,500 - - - -


Members who achieve the Veteran ranks have been in the family more than a month and have proven their devotion to the family by attending other leaders events. Their commitment has earned them 5,000 Family Honor Points and they have a firm grasp on the ways of the family. Members must accept the Protectors Credo to advance to this role in the family. This role serves as a gateway to the bigger picture. As Veteran Members continue to grow they will begin focusing more on helping others. Guiding players in the family ways and learning more about the Gaiscioch way.

# Rank Days Active
Days Active
Family Honor Points
Family Honor
Family Honor Points
Family Honor Points
Vault Contribution
Tokens of Valor
Tokens of Valor
5. Curadh
90 5,000 - - - -
6. Ridire
180 10,000 - - 1,000 -


The Gaiscioch Family Guardians are an advanced part of the Veteran Members group and serve as the front line of our family. They help newer members learn about the family, our website, and our belief system. They occasionally will need to help get conversations back on track, or report misdoing's to the family elders. They act as advisors, guidance providers, and overall protectors of the family name. By this time a member should be involved in the family for more than 6 months and has been an active attendee in family events. For those who prefer fellowship over leadership this is the last stop on the family tree. Members must prove their leadership ability to progress to the Leadership ranks through the accumulation of both Valor Points (Earned through leading events.) as well as earning Tokens of Valor from lower ranked members of the family.

# Rank Days Active
Days Active
Family Honor Points
Family Honor
Family Honor Points
Family Honor Points
Vault Contribution
Tokens of Valor
Tokens of Valor
7. Seaimpin
270 15,000 - 5,000 10,000 -
8. Caomhnoir
360 25,000 - 15,000 25,000 -

Warlords (Event Leaders)

Being a warlord or leader is not for everyone. Leaders devote the majority of their time to hosting both family events and public events. Leaders will be working hand in hand with the family elders to be sure that those who wish to participate in activities can find groups and ensure our families exposure to the outside community stays in tact. Leaders have proven their ability to unite the troops under a single cause and have lead events for the family over the course of their career.

The focus of the leadership ranks is entirely placed on entertaining the crowd and putting on a good show. In doing so, the leader must be ever vigilant to control their behavior. They must be the iconic Gaiscioch member and be an example of our community as a whole. Their actions will be seen by the entire community and it is imperative that they cast the proper shadow.

Leaders will be responsible for documenting what they need to succeed and provide elders with suggestions and ideas for future events, streamlining the family, and making the family succeed in their own area. Our event leaders are important members of the family and are the ones who breath life into our house day in and day out.

To be eligible to become a member of the War Council one must be active within the family for more than 1 year and have accumulated 50,000 Family Honor Points of which 20,000 must be Valor Points. They will be required to earn 50,000 Contribution Points and receive 25 tokens of valor from members under their own rank who they have led. The road to leadership is not easy; it is not something to be taken lightly. Our leaders are critical to our success as a community and have a great deal of responsibility on their shoulders.

# Rank Days Active
Days Active
Family Honor Points
Family Honor
Family Honor Points
Family Honor Points
Vault Contribution
Tokens of Valor
Tokens of Valor
9. Tiarna
450 50,000 20,000 15,000 50,000 25
10. Ard Tiarna
(High Lord)
540 75,000 40,000 20,000 100,000 50


Among the most devoted in the community are the Legends. They have devoted more than two years of their lives to playing along side the family and have shown their devotion and commitment to our families beliefs and best practices. They encourage the new, teach the learning and support the community. These are the most trusted advisors to the elder council and occasionally they will request feedback, ideas and perspectives to help guide the future of the community. Above all else, Legends are shining examples of what all Gaiscioch members should strive to be. This role can be obtained by both leaders and followers and is the pinnacle of ones Gaiscioch career.

# Rank Days Active
Days Active
Family Honor Points
Family Honor
Family Honor Points + Family Honor Points
Core Points
(Valor + Fellowship)
Vault Contribution
Tokens of Valor
Tokens of Valor
11. Laoch
730 150,000 125,000 150,000 -