Gaiscioch Select Chapter


Helldivers II
ArcheAge Chronicles
Dune Awakening
Camelot Unchained
Light No Fire
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen
Royal Quest Online
Black Desert
- Full List -
Chapter 8:
Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
Chapter 6:
World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
Chapter 5:
Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Chapter 4:
Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
Chapter 2:
Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


138 Tuatha Guilds:
9,133 Members:
13,992 Characters:
11,709 Items:

The Gaiscioch Ascended

Life is fragile. In a moments notice it can be taken from us. Pops once reminded us that "Today is the oldest we've ever been, yet the youngest we'll ever be. So enjoy today while it lasts." His words were too true. It's easy to get caught up in the grind of day to day life without realizing that time is a thing we will never have enough of.

In life, we leave a trail of memories that become our legend. A person who spends their lives sharing with others, leaves a legacy behind that will not fade. It will continue through those they have met and shared with. This is how we forge eternal legacies.

These members may have become Ascended Gaiscioch and moved on to the next place, but their legacy lives on in all of us. Little pieces of them left behind in our lives that will carry on to the people we share with. Their traditions, morales, and kindness will continue to live on through us. Burning as an eternal flame, we remember these people for their kindness, compassion, and undying devotion towards making this world a better place.

"In the end, it's not what we have that matters,
It's what we leave behind that speaks of our legend."

In Loving Memory

Ban Lorgaire de na Faolchu


Ban Lorgaire de na Faolchu

Ban Caomhnoir de na Aracos

Susan "Mewzical" Lewis

Ban Caomhnoir de na Aracos

Tiarna de na Iomproidh Oráiste

Jackie "Lady" Smith

Tiarna de na Iomproidh Oráiste

Caomhnoir de na Ulchabhan

Scott "Arsnocte" Williams

Caomhnoir de na Ulchabhan

Laoch de na Iolair

Thomas "Beardtongue" Gastineau

Laoch de na Iolair

Curadh de na Capall

Jim "Sawda" Gillum

Curadh de na Capall

Caomhnoir de na Iomproidh

Mike "Stormkaster" Pender

Caomhnoir de na Iomproidh

Seaimpin de na Aracos Gorm

Karl "Gunghnir" Marble

Seaimpin de na Aracos Gorm

Ban Curadh de na Capall

Maryl "Mairel" McVay

Ban Curadh de na Capall

Ban Fili de na Ulchabhan

Jo "Rhynor" Oliver

Ban Fili de na Ulchabhan

Ban Fili de na Iolair

Sandra "Nona" Starkey

Ban Fili de na Iolair

Ban Curadh de na Faolchu

Jennifer "SonjaDarshan" Peacock

Ban Curadh de na Faolchu

Caomhnoir de na Iomproidh

Ron "Olestra" Bishop

Caomhnoir de na Iomproidh

Finsceal de na Sailetheach Buí

Kyle "Cerulean" Walker

Finsceal de na Sailetheach Buí

Finsceal de na Capall

Dale "Fanlikar" Buchanan

Finsceal de na Capall

Finsceal de na Ulchabhan Buí

Wally "Pops" Anderson

Finsceal de na Ulchabhan Buí

Finsceal de na Iomproidh Dubh

Paolo "Findan" Aceto

Finsceal de na Iomproidh Dubh

Finsceal de na Capall Dearg

John "Mynrbird" Miner

Finsceal de na Capall Dearg

Finsceal de na Iomproidh Corcra

Scott "Paleus" Kingston

Finsceal de na Iomproidh Corcra

Ban Finsceal de na Iolair

Shelly "Morigana" Songer

Ban Finsceal de na Iolair

Finsceal de na Iomproidh

Steve "Zudrot" Sarko

Finsceal de na Iomproidh

Ban Finsceal de na Ulchabhan Dearg

Joanne "Jexia" Ekker

Ban Finsceal de na Ulchabhan Dearg

Finsceal de na Arach Dearg

Roger "Oldroar" Rall

Finsceal de na Arach Dearg
