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New renown rewards and armor sets for the new patch

Fili de na Arach Dearg
Fili de na Arach Dearg
  • GW2: Donaliam.8325
  • ESO: @Donaliam
Posted On: 10/12/2010 at 03:08 PM
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Seaimpin de na Aracos Gorm
Seaimpin de na Aracos Gorm
Replied On: 10/12/2010 at 04:50 PM PDT

Oh look: Another reason not to ever resub to WAR!

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Tiarna de na Capall Oráiste
Tiarna de na Capall Oráiste
  • ESO: @Rune.Priest
Replied On: 10/12/2010 at 05:05 PM PDT
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yeah... this initial sketch ain't looking good. But then, its a initial sketch. I rather wait to see what they will do before i decide to storm out of WAR for good.

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Caomhnoir de na Aracos
Caomhnoir de na Aracos
  • GW2: Stoat.9671
Replied On: 10/12/2010 at 06:13 PM PDT

No info on RDPS? I guess DPS would be "similar"... Hmmm... Why are the new sets only made up of 5 pieces? Warlord has seven, and Sovereign has eight pieces. I'm hoping that these new levels will be almost impossible to get to. You know... 70 is 1/2 of the way to 80... 80 should be 1/3 of the way to 90... 90 should be 1/4 of the way to 100...

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Tiarna de na Capall Oráiste
Tiarna de na Capall Oráiste
  • ESO: @Rune.Priest
Replied On: 10/12/2010 at 09:23 PM PDT
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By what they've said previously, its going to be easier Stoat

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Tiarna de na Fhiaigh Dearg
Tiarna de na Fhiaigh Dearg
Replied On: 10/13/2010 at 07:04 AM PDT

From what I remember, they said the climb to 80 would be easier, but the climb to 100 compared to the original climb to 80 was going to be nuts. @Korzak, why do these sets scream "don't resub?" What exactly did you expect from the two new sets?

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Seaimpin de na Aracos Gorm
Seaimpin de na Aracos Gorm
Replied On: 10/13/2010 at 07:29 PM PDT

Edit: Disclaimer: This turned out to be alot longer and more angry than I'd initially anticipated, but some of you folks probably like it that way anyhow. Oh no no. The renown rewards initially (possibly still?) posted is what I was referring to. I happened across the armor links some time after I made that post, and Don updated his orginal post with those links. Anyway, from what I've seen, someone behind the wheel decided that average ttk (time to kill) is too short in the current system. I would argue that it's just right or maybe a hair too long already, particularly when looking at higher ranked players. As higher ranked players are the ones most directly and strongly affected by the proposed Renown Reward changes, ttk should increase, and in some cases be infinite. The problem, especially at first glance, is really not a big deal because the tanks who spec out for it will lose dps (See: Hardy Concession). Upon closer inspection though, it becomes obvious that the reduced damage output doesn't affect outgoing heals, and thus makes this line of RR Rewards perfect for a healer. WPs and DoKs tough to kill now? What if you CAN'T crit them (unless you're a BW or Sorc, See: Futile Strikes) and your regular attacks deal 15% less damage (Hardy Concession)? I can see the roots of a difficult problem here. The real issue surfaces in the fact that the dps line of RR Rewards has a proposed nerf lined up: The same point spend for 3% less chance to crit than current, 15 more points for 2% more than current. Combined with the proposed crit reduction ability, this becomes very painful, particularly for classes like WH and WE. Short Version: What this all boils down to, in my perspective, is longer fights where equally geared groups of players reach infinite stalemates. Well-equipped, balanced and evenly match groups already have long drawn-out fights that only break by chance or by the exploit of a minor mistake. These fights can be fun, for the first 10 minutes or so that no one dies, then they start to drag on, and the fun factor goes on holiday. Or at least that's how I've always felt about it. Armor Sets: I suppose since you mentioned the armor, it's worth bringing up here as well, but only in the context of the proposed RR reward changes. The new armor introduces a new stat: Fortitude. This new stat is described as "Toughness Power", which would essentially function just like Toughness, with no soft cap. Except that it's introduced at seemingly large levels (80, 120, 308 proc). We've already reached the point where a well equipped and coordinated group of rank 70-80 players can have difficulty bringing down a single rank 80 tank. This is an issue that is likely to become more pronounced with this proposed system. The only thing that eases my mind is the greatly increased melee/magic/ranged power that seems to be present on these new sets for dps classes. Will this balance the system out, or, coupled with the dps nerf (and lack of love) in the RR system will this mean hour long battles of 24 vs 1? I don't know for sure how this all lines up for a live server. Reaching these new high ranks and obtaining the gear will take time, and will certainly be very rewarding for those with the desire to do so. Without access to a test of these new systems and equipment sets I can't make any sort of claim to knowing how they'll function, but my gut tells me it's going to be an issue. You folks know I nay-sayed the defensive DPS Sov armor when it was on test, and I still hold to those feelings even now. These new sets have the potential to take the direction of the Sov gear and increase its' impact many times over. Some more Bullshit: I suppose I'm not really in a good position to make any of these comments. My sub ran out at the beginning of the month, so I'm not even a paying customer anymore. The real beef is that I didn't leave because I didn't like the systems or the playstyle, I left because I didn't like paying for a game I couldn't play consistantly. My thought was that when the server issues got ironed out, I'd be back, and up to no good once more. The proposed changes are... disuading. I don't like when the system I enjoyed and was (in my humble opinion) pretty damn good at is kicked square in the nuts, at the expensive of what was fun to me. And that's what my first impression of this glimps of the future is showing me.

» Edited on: 2010-10-13 19:36:23

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Tiarna de na Fhiaigh Dearg
Tiarna de na Fhiaigh Dearg
Replied On: 10/13/2010 at 10:24 PM PDT

And to that very long post (well thought out), I reply with: ahh. We'll see what happens in the long run. I think a lot of lower ranked guys thought ttk was too short (mainly b/c they have 20% chance to be crit, never used vent, and just got steamrolled), but you're definitely right about good balanced, high rr groups going head to head. I've been in the middle of those and if you have 2 great healers, " " tanks, " " dps, it can be a LONG, LONG fight. The one thing that makes me shudder to myself is that "Toughness Power" just REEKS of resilience from WoW. In all honesty, Resilience was a bogus stat with WoW and "Toughness Power" will probably be more of the same. They're both there really just there to require us all to get new gear to get enough of a new stat. Toughness really already does what "Toughness Power" will do. But like I said earlier, I could have typed "ahh" as a reply and said the same thing. :)

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Seaimpin de na Aracos Gorm
Seaimpin de na Aracos Gorm
Replied On: 10/14/2010 at 05:38 AM PDT

Well, I'm glad you thought that made a little sense, cause I was kinda hot when I posted it and didn't re-read and edit it as much as I usually would with something that big. I think the key here is what you said: "We'll see what happens in the long run." This has always been the case, and I think most of us know that. I'm just hopeful that if WAR survives for awhile (and the Family is still playing it somewhere down the road) that it remains, or has become, something I will be happy coming back to. For now, we've got a pretty nice crew going on LOTRO, which has kinda surprised me to be honest, so I've at least got something to entertain myself. I'll still be following WAR though, and if the opportunity presents itself I may have to come back and play for a bit.

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