Prepare For WAR!
The Battle for Badlands is upon us. Grab your swords, axes, bows and spellbooks and head to the battlefield in the Badlands Server community driven event hosted by the Gaiscioch Family. Join your brothers and sisters in arms and rise up against the foreign invaders. Clash swords with warriors of the old while meeting others who are just beginning their adventure. As the battles commence we will be posting highlights, and battle recaps as they are made available.
What's New For Season 2
The second season of Battle for Badlands brings forth a whole new challenge to the contest. While Battle for Badlands focused on Tier's 2 and 3, the second season of Battle for Badlands takes the game to Tier 4 as well as the lower tiers. Two events take place each week on Sundays and Tuesdays at 6PM PST / 9PM EST and run until 9PM PST / 12AM EST. In addition a new scoring system has been added to mark a victor to the Battles. The side with the most points at the end of the event wins the battle. You may rack up points by Assaulting Keeps, Defending Keeps, or Locking Zones successfully.
Scoring in Battle for Badlands Season 2
All Tiers
- Keep Captured: 5 Points
- Keep Defended: 5 Points - Defensive Roll Takes Place
Tier 4
- Zone Lock: 15 Points
- Pairing Lock Bonus: 10 Points (25 Points Total: Zone Lock + Pairing Lock. Only eligible if zone was not contested at the start.)
- Total Domination Bonus: 20 Points (When One Side Controls All 6 Final Pairing Keeps As City Flips)
Roleplayers, Video Junkies, Bloggers, and Storytellers Wanted!
We would like to enlist your literary talents to document the nights battles. Anyone who contributes a tale, article, or blog will be rewarded for their efforts in the form of 1 Obliterator or Devastator Boot or Gloves item of their choice. If neither is needed a Talisman for your class will be provided. Simply post your link or story on our Facebook page or the Official Forums and send your Item Requests via in game mail to: Daghdre. (If your a Destruction Guild or Player that's willing to pony up some gear for participants please contact me on the official forums.)
Your Host The Gaiscioch Family
The Battle for Badlands is hosted by the Gaiscioch (Gosh-Kia) Family. Gaiscioch is the Gaelic word for 'Divine Warriors' and is taken from the Irish book Lebor Gabala Erenn, the oldest text found on Irish soil. The Gaiscioch were the protectors of the Celt gods. In game we are a heavy oRvR, Low RP family. We have no requirements, commitments, or expectations of our members and welcome everyone of all skill levels. We simply ask that you keep your blades out, not in. We never attack another member of the family. We are about having fun and making friends above all else. For more information about the Gaiscioch Family please visit our website or contact a member of the family in game.
Special Thanks!
We would like to send special thanks to all the Guilds, Alliances, and Players that have made Battle for Badlands a Success.
Watch the Official Trailer
Get Involved!
Are you interested in joining in the fun? Bring your best swords, bows, and axes to the oRvR lake the night of the event. Be sure to let your friends know. Grab a warband and join in the fun!
Featuring The Guilds Of Badlands:
- A Few Good Soldiers
- Acolytes
- Agony
- Anti-Sanctus Chaotica
- Armyn ab Treanid
- Cannon Fodder
- Da Broke Toof Boyz
- Death Dealers of War
- Dexteram Tzeentch
- Dominus Nocturnus
- Feared
- Felrunn's Sycophants
- Gaiscioch
- Gaiscioch na Anu
- Gaiscioch na Nuada
- Honored Circle
- I am Legend
- Knights of the White Wolf
- Last Hope
- Le Pacte Des Lions
- Loft
- Nuke and Pave
- Phoenix Company
- Slap Chopz
- Sons of Anarchy
- Team Care
- The Basin
- The Elite Scrubs
- The Old Timers Guild
- Vengeance of Vaul
- Warvegr
- Xen of Onslaught
* Drop a claim and defend to show up on this list.
Supporters & Mentions:
* If you link to Battle for Badlands and support our efforts please let me know so I can post a link back to you. Simply post the link on our Official Facebook Fan Page.
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